Main Characteristics of Pipe Bends

Company “StroyNefteGaz” offers a large variety of metal pipe bends.
Steel pipe bends make an integral part of any pipeline. The reliability and effectiveness of the whole pipeline systems depends on quality of pipe bends.

In our catalogue you can choose and buy any kinds of pipe bends including for boiler, oil and gas and water pipes.

Tube/pipe material: depending on type of a pipe bends the following steel can be used: heat-resistant, carbon, stainless or alloyed of various grades (20, 12X18H10T, 10Г2, 09Г2С, 16ГС, 15ГС, 17ГС, etc.).
Quality Warranty: bends comply with all requirements of state standards (GOST 17375-2001, GOST 17380, GOST 17375-83, GOST 17375-01, 30753-01, GOST 30753-2001, etc.).
Industries where pipe bends are used: they are used as a connection element of all kinds of pipeline systems.
Assigned purpose of pipe bends: with the help of pipe bends you can easily change water flow course for a needed degree. Thereby you can install sanitary sewer, water or heating system even under conditions of uneven surface.
Note: in our catalogue you can find pipe bends with various bend angles (from 45 till 180 degrees), therefore you can choose an optimal variant for your own purposes. For any additional information please contact us.

The presence at bases:

Bard Base:

Number of tons View the location and photos
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Not available

Beads Base:

Number of tons View the location and photos
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Not available

Base Izhevsk:

Number of tons View the location and photos
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Not available

Base Kungur:

Number of tons View the location and photos
} else { ?>

Not available

Base Mozhga:

Number of tons View the location and photos
} else { ?>

Not available

Base Pelym:

Number of tons View the location and photos
} else { ?>

Not available

Base Rock:

Number of tons View the location and photos
} else { ?>

Not available

Base Chaikovsky

Number of tons View the location and photos
} else { ?>

Not available

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